In the previous tutorial, you learnt how to do migration in PHP using Phinx and insert sample data to MYSQL database. In this tutorial, learn how to create APIs to list all products, list product by id, search products by name, count products, etc.
Update config/config.php file to add database credentials:
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'user');
define('DB_PASS', 'password');
define('DB_NAME', 'database name');
Then, create DB folder in app folder and add Database.php file to the DB folder. In the Database.php file, we define Database class that will be used to connect to Mysql database from controller classes.
// Connect with the database.
namespace App\DB;
class Database
public function connect()
$connect = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME);
if (mysqli_connect_errno($connect)) {
die("Failed to connect:" . mysqli_connect_error());
mysqli_set_charset($connect, "utf8");
return $connect;
In the app/Controllers directory, create ProductController.php file. We define three methods: getProductById(), countProducts(), and getProducts(). The getProductById returns a product that its id is equal to pid parameter. The countProducts() method accepted an optional searchText argument returns the number of products that their names contain the searchText or all products if the searchText is not specified. The getProducts() method is to return products from the products table. It has three optional parameters - start, limit, and searchText.
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\Product;
use App\DB\Database;
class ProductController
private $con;
function __construct()
$db = new Database();
$this->con = $db->connect();
public function getProductById(int $pid)
$products = [];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=$pid";
if($result = mysqli_query($this->con,$sql))
$cr = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$products['id'] = $row['id'];
$products['name'] = $row['name'];
$products['description'] = $row['description'];
$products['price'] = $row['price'];
$products['slug'] = $row['slug'];
$products['category'] = (int)$row['category_id'];
$products['subcategory'] = (int)$row['subcategory_id'];
echo json_encode(['data'=>$products]);
public function countProducts( string $searchText)
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as num_rows FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%$searchText%'";
if($result = mysqli_query($this->con,$sql))
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
try {
echo json_encode(['data'=>$num,'status' => 200]);
catch (Exception $e) {
echo json_encode(['status'=>300,'data' => 'error']);
echo json_encode(['data'=>0]);
public function getProducts(int $start,int $limit, string $searchText)
$products = [];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%$searchText%'";
$sql .= " LIMIT $start,$limit";
if($result = mysqli_query($this->con,$sql))
$cr = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$products[$cr]['id'] = $row['id'];
$products[$cr]['name'] = $row['name'];
$products[$cr]['description'] = $row['description'];
$products[$cr]['price'] = $row['price'];
$products[$cr]['slug'] = $row['slug'];
$products[$cr]['thumbnail'] = $row['thumbnail'];
$products[$cr]['category'] = $row['category_id'];
$products[$cr]['subcategory'] = $row['subcategory_id'];
echo json_encode(['data'=>$products,'status' => 200]);
Update routes/web.php file to add more routes to the route collection:
$routes->add('productbyid', new Route(constant('URL_SUBFOLDER') . '/product/{id}',
array('controller' => 'ProductController', 'method'=>'getProductById'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+')));
$routes->add('productscount', new Route(constant('URL_SUBFOLDER') . '/products/count/{searchText}',
array('controller' => 'ProductController', 'method'=>'countProducts', 'searchText' => ''), array()));
$routes->add('products', new Route(constant('URL_SUBFOLDER') . '/products/{start}/{limit}/{searchText}',
array('controller' => 'ProductController',
'start' => 0,
'limit' => 3,
'searchText' => ''
array('start' =>'[0-9]+','limit' =>'[0-9]+')));
Now the API endpoints are ready to tested. Save the project. While Mysql server is running, open the browser and access http://localhost/mysite/api/product/1. The product with id 1 is shown.
To get all products, access http://localhost/mysite/api/products.
To get first five products, access http://localhost/mysite/api/products/0/5.
To search for product by name containing NIKON and return only the first two products, access http://localhost/mysite/api/products/0/2/NIKON.
To get number of all products, access http://localhost/mysite/api/products/count.
To get number of products that their names contain Camera, access http://localhost:81/mysite/api/products/count/Camera
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